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Tips for Buying your Very own Holiday Home

16th December 2021

If you are thinking about buying a holiday home of your very own, then you are not alone. So many people debate taking the leap and purchasing a property, but that being said, there are some crucial things that you don’t want to overlook. Want to find out more? Simply look below.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Live In or Let Out

The first thing that you need to think about is if you want to live in your holiday home or if you want to let it out. Letting it out is a great way for you to generate some passive income and you may even find that you can use the money towards further vacations for your family. If you want to try and make the most out of your investment, then you need to make sure that the holiday home suits whatever demographic you want to let it out to. If you want to rent it out to families, it would be wise for you to invest in triple bunk beds at Cuckooland.

What to Buy

Even if you do not intend to let out your home right away, it makes a lot of sense for you to try and future-proof it as much as possible. A lot of period cottages are small and there is a lot of competition in the market too. Unless you can make yours stand out, you may find that you have a hard time attracting people. If you want to take a different route, then you can try to make your home look as luxurious as possible so you can target couples. Either way, you need to make sure that there is enough capital growth before you settle on a location. It may be that it is about to benefit from a new road or even that there is a railway line being built. You need to assess things like this properly if you want to reap the benefits, so keep that in mind.

The Legal Situation

There are sometimes restrictions on properties where you have to work close to the location in order to buy a home there. It is imperative that you look into things like this if you want to make the most out of your investment because the last thing that you want is to settle on a property and then find out that you can’t go ahead with your purchase.

How to Buy

If you know that you are going to need a mortgage, then you will need to get a deposit of around 25%. There are not many lenders who are able to offer a holiday let mortgage and you also have other requirements in place too. This includes rental projections. Your lender may take things like this into account when they assess your situation so it helps to do your research beforehand so you can make the most out of your purchase. If you don’t anticipate challenges or hurdles along the way, then you will find it hard to overcome them in the future. 

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