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10 Things to Consider When Selecting a Holiday Park for a Vacation in Australia

25th April 2024

Planning a family vacation at a holiday park in Australia requires careful consideration to ensure everyone has a memorable time. Here’s a more detailed guide to help you select the best holiday park for your family’s needs:

Location Is Key

The location of the holiday park can significantly impact your experience. Coastal parks offer beach activities and sea breezes, bushland parks provide nature trails and wildlife spotting, and urban parks might have easy access to city attractions. Consider proximity to public transport and major attractions, ensuring the location aligns with your vacation goals.

Range of Facilities

Facilities can make or break your holiday experience. Look for parks with well-maintained pools, play areas, and communal spaces like BBQ pits and kitchens. Some parks also offer additional amenities like WiFi, gyms, and entertainment rooms. Assess whether these facilities meet the needs of your family’s age group and interests.

Accommodation Options

Accommodation should suit your comfort level and budget. Whether it’s rustic camping sites, powered caravan spots, or luxurious cabins, check the options available. Look at the room layouts, especially if you’re traveling with children or a larger group, to ensure space and privacy for everyone. Websites like Australian Holiday Parks showcase a wide range of holiday parks right across Australia.

Activities for Kids

A park with a range of activities can be a lifesaver, especially for longer stays. Facilities like kids’ clubs, playgrounds, mini-golf, and scheduled events keep children engaged and give adults time to relax. Verify the age suitability of these activities to ensure they’re appropriate for your children.

Pet-Friendly Policies

If traveling with pets, it’s crucial to find a park that accommodates them. Check the specific areas where pets are allowed, any additional fees, and the facilities provided for pets, such as walking areas or special accommodations.

Check Reviews

Reviews can offer insights that brochures and websites might not mention. Look for comments on the cleanliness of facilities, friendliness of staff, and real visitor experiences with noise levels and amenities. This can help you gauge the quality of your potential stay.

Seasonal Considerations

Depending on the time of year, certain parks might offer seasonal activities such as winter markets or summer surf lessons. Consider what will be available during your visit to maximize the fun.

Safety and Security

Check the safety features of the park, especially if you have young children. Look for information about lifeguards at pools, security patrols, emergency procedures, and first aid facilities.

Price and Packages

Compare costs across different parks and check for any special packages that include meals, activities, or discounts. Some parks might offer “stay and play” deals during off-peak times, which can be more budget-friendly.

Customer Service

The level of customer service can significantly enhance your experience. Friendly, knowledgeable staff can provide valuable information about the area and help with any issues that arise during your stay.

Community and Social Interaction

Holiday parks often foster a community atmosphere. Check if the park has social gathering spots or organizes group activities like movie nights or group hikes. These events are great for families looking to meet new people and for children to make friends. The social aspects can significantly enhance your stay, turning a simple vacation into a series of memorable interactions.

Environmental Considerations

With increasing awareness of environmental issues, many holiday parks are taking steps to minimize their ecological footprint. Look for parks that practice sustainability, such as using solar energy, having recycling programs, and conserving water. Staying at a park that prioritizes the environment can be a teachable moment for kids, showing them the importance of sustainable living.

Dining Options

While self-catering is an option, sometimes you just want to relax and have meals prepared for you. Check if the park has on-site restaurants or cafes. This is particularly important if you have dietary restrictions or prefer certain types of food. Some parks even offer meal packages, which can reduce the stress of meal planning and grocery shopping during your vacation.

Local Attractions

Consider what’s outside the park as well. Are there local attractions or natural wonders nearby? Proximity to local landmarks, national parks, or beaches can influence your decision. Being close to local towns also allows for easy day trips, which can diversify your holiday experience.

Health and Wellness Facilities

For those looking to maintain a fitness regime or seeking relaxation, check if the park has wellness facilities like spas, saunas, or fitness centers. These amenities provide a great way to unwind after a day of activities or to keep up with your fitness goals while on holiday.

Educational Programs

Some parks offer educational programs that can be both fun and informative. These might include guided nature walks, wildlife presentations, or cultural history talks. Such programs are especially valuable for children, giving them a chance to learn about the area’s environment and history in an engaging way.


Consider the accessibility of the park, especially if traveling with elderly family members or those with limited mobility. Check for accommodations that are wheelchair accessible and if the park has facilities designed to aid those with special needs.

Technology Connectivity

While the idea of unplugging is attractive, having Wi-Fi can be essential, especially for longer stays. Check the availability and quality of internet connectivity, particularly if someone in your family needs to stay connected for work or if you need online access for planning your daily activities.

Emergency Services

Verify the proximity and availability of emergency services. Knowing that you can quickly access medical help if needed provides peace of mind, especially when traveling with children or if you plan to engage in adventurous activities.

Customer Feedback and Engagement

Finally, examine how the park handles feedback and engages with customers. Parks that are proactive in responding to guest concerns and suggestions are likely to provide a better service experience. Check if they have a guest feedback system in place, and how they implement changes based on that feedback.

By considering these additional points when choosing a holiday park, you ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling vacation experience for your family, combining relaxation with adventure, learning, and socializing.

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